Amy Sink

This donation will help me to pay for my exams for my classes in order to get in the nursing program. Two of my exams cost around $400 each. Currently I don't get any financial aid or other help to pay for these. With the cost of living going up and not including utilities and miscallaneous bills, it makes it very difficult to come up with that much money all at one time. If anyone can help me reach my goal, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.
Raising funds for: National Scholarships Fund
0.00% Raised
$0.00 donated of $1,500.00 goal
0 Donors
Campaign has ended

This scholarship is very important to me because without this, I cant move forward in my career. I am trying to pursue a career as an RN. Without any donations or scholarships, it makes it very difficult to pay for my exams and classes. I can use your help. If someone is willing to help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.